Welcome to the McMaster Centre for Discovery in Cancer Research
The Centre for Discovery in Cancer Research (CDCR) at McMaster University features basic and translational cancer researchers from across Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, working together to provide a holistic research program. The CDCR builds expertise around treatment-resistant cancers of high need, significantly impacting those suffering from the disease in Canada and worldwide.
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Research Learn more about our research
With 17+ areas of cancer research expertise, the CDCR builds on existing pillars of excellence unique to McMaster University.
Support the Centre for Discovery in Cancer Research Donate now
Gifts to the CDCR foster innovative research that aims to find cures for a wide array of cancers.
Trainee of the Month - Karolina Krygier
Trainee of the Month
Trainee of the Month - Maria Davola
Trainee of the Month